"So when you're up against it, just go outside and look up and realize there are footprints on the moon. If we care enough, we can make something happen."

Because it’s by Seth Godin, who I 1st came to know when learning about successful Project Management, I went through Creating Significance: Choosing to Do Our Best Work to hear what additional insights he has to share.

While I wasn’t as blown away the 1st time round, there are still some learning points that could be applied or pondered about:

Principle 1: Significant Work Is the Future
a. Seek enrollment into the vision & mission (Commit to one another)
b. Enable the team to make progress (Create the conditions for change to happen)
c. Make a change happen (Make things better)

Principle 2: Significant Work Is a Choice You Make
a. Get to do vs Have to do
b. Take responsibility and give away credit
c. Here to make a change happen

Principle 3: Significant Work Requires Leaders, Not Managers
a. Leader: Voluntarily do something (that might not work), creating a different future
b. Manager: Use power & authority to get people to do things faster & cheaper
c. Standards instead of Obedience (This could be better)
d. Enrollment instead of Coercion (Signed up to the journey)
e. Mutual respect is expected
f. Criticize the work, not the worker

Principle 4: Significant Work Requires Ambiguity
a. Withhold definition, to sit with it, until really understand
b. Don’t be in a hurry to put it into a container
c. Take the time to understand
d. Sit with the uncertainty and look for opportunities

Principle 5: Significant Work Requires Essential Skills
a. Earning the blue card: Will your name be written down (as a member of the team)
b. Interview goal: Identify who brings a diversity of background, insight & opinion

"Create the conditions for people to do what they knew they were capable of."